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Updated 2017-09-13

100 points per round (4 5’s worth 5 each, 4 10’s worth 10 each, 4 kings worth 10 each, + 25 dragon - 25 phoenix)

combinations: single - pair - stairs - triple - straight (5+, any suits) - full house - bombs {{ quads - straight flush (5+) }}

red joker - Phoenix

  • Worth 0.5 more than the top card
  • Wild (except in bombs) BUT it’s worth -25 in the pile.

black joker - Dragon

  • Always the highest card (CAN be bombed)
  • Worth 25 in the pile! BUT can only be played as a single, and you must pass the pile to an opponent of your choice

black 11 - Sparrow

  • If you have this card, you start the game, but you don’t have to play it immediately
  • Worth 1 in a run
  • Wish

red 13 - Dog

  • Lowest card in the game / can only play it on your lead
  • Your partner plays next / pass the lead to your partner


  • After 8 cards have been dealt to each player,
    • each person can look at their hand and call “Grand Tichu”
    • if they are first to go out then they win 200 Point otherwise they lose 200 points
  • After all cards have been dealt to each player,
    • each person can look at their hand and call “Tichu”
    • if they are first to go out then they win 100 Point otherwise they lose 100 points