Functional programming in C
This is an example of how to use executable memory to get partial function
application (i.e. bind1st()) in C. (Well, this actually only compiles as C++
since i'm using a varargs typedef, but there's no classes or templates.)
To proceed, we need to be comfortable with the cdecl and stdcall calling
conventions on x86, and just a little assembly.
In cdecl, function arguments are pushed onto the x86 stack from right to left,
and then control passes to the callee. The callee returns, and then the caller
restores the stack to the way it was before continuing on its way. The stdcall
convention is similar but the callee is responsible for restoring the stack
pointer to clean up after its own arguments.
It's a very minor difference and most of the time it's inconsequential, you
wouldn't even notice it. If you declare a function in C, it uses the cdecl
convention unless you specify otherwise. This is normal behaviour for most of
the linux world, but every Win32 API is declared stdcall.
There are some important differences, though: if you have a function with a
variable number of arguments - like printf() in the CRT - this would compile
to something like
; printf( format_str, arg[0] )
push dword [ebp+8]
push format_str
call _printf
add esp, 8
and printf could simply pop an argument off the stack every time it encounters
a % character in the format string. It doesn't explicitly count the number of
parameters, and therefore has no idea how to clean up after itself, so it
must be done as cdecl. There are ways around this - <cstdarg> manages it
somehow? - but that's the general idea.
In the reverse case, if you're using partially applied functions, then the
caller sees a function of a single argument, but the target function takes
multiple arguments. Unless we can magically unwind the stack some other way,
it seems like the callee is the only function that can safely restore the
stack, so we must use stdcall for both our target functions and their
partially applied forms.
Partial application involves storing an extra parameter and returning a C
function pointer. We really have to end up with a native C function that we
can call, one that's portable to other functions and can be thrown around
without much special attention. My approach here is to create a stub
function on the heap that pushes an extra function argument, and then jmp
toward the real target.
So, to begin, let's figure out executing assembly on the heap:
#include <cstdio>
#include <Windows.h>
void* xalloc(size_t len) {
void* ret = VirtualAlloc(
if (! ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: VirtualAlloc() failed\n");
return ret;
void xfree(void* ptr) {
VirtualFree(ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
Those are Win32-specific calls, but it should be pretty easy to translate that
into linux or any other platform using mmap with the flags parameter set to
typedef void* __stdcall (*heapfn)(...);
heapfn make_heapfn(const char* asmcode, size_t len) {
void* ret = xalloc(len);
memcpy(ret, asmcode, len);
return (heapfn)ret;
This function takes a string of (i'm assuming i386 here) opcodes and copies
them into executable memory on the heap. We have to pass the length separately
since C strings are null-terminated, but our assembly could contain a zero.
That's all we need, so let's try a simple function to make sure everything is
OK. In both cdecl and stdcall, the return value from a function is stored in
the eax register:
55 push ebp ; enter function
89E5 mov ebp, esp
B801000000 mov eax, 0x01 ; return 1
C9 leave
C3 ret
void test_return() {
heapfn fncall = make_heapfn(
"\x55\x89\xE5\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xC9\xC3", 10
printf("Returns: %d\n", (int)fncall());
This prints "Returns: 1".
We can now implement our stub for partial application, but there's one thing
to watch out for - chaining multiple stubs together. The address to return to
is pushed onto the stack with 'call' and popped with 'ret', so we must be
careful in order for these to chain along correctly:
5B pop ebx
68xxxxxxxx push dword param1
53 push ebx
68xxxxxxxx push dword fn_stdcall
C3 ret
Here, we take the return address off the stack, push our extra parameter after
the others, and put the correct return address on the stack again (this could
be done without clobbering the ebx register). The 'jmp' mnemonic is mostly
used for relative jumps on x86, so the easiest way to go directly to a pointer
is, strangely enough, to push the target onto the stack and then return (or
if you're resigned to losing a register, mov eax ptr; jmp eax).
#define B1ST_BSET(s) \
(char)((s)&0xFF),(char)(((s)>>8)&0xFF), \
heapfn bind1st(void* fn_stdcall, void* param1) {
char asmcode[13] = {
'\x5B', '\x68', B1ST_BSET((int)param1),
'\x53', '\x68', B1ST_BSET((int)fn_stdcall), '\xC3'
return make_heapfn(asmcode, 13);
And that's all there is to it. We can define some macros for convenience to
stop us adding typecasts everywhere, but if you want type safety this is a
ridiculous technique to use (in C++, there's a bind1st for std::function<>
objects in <functional> for when a C++11 lambda is inappropriate).
Here are those macros, and some sample target functions for binding - remember
the stdcall declaration! Mistakenly using a stdcall to call a cdecl function
only leaves garbage in the stack, but using a cdecl to call a stdcall function
removes the arguments twice from the stack and you will crash on return.
#define BIND(type, target, param) \
(type __stdcall *(*)(...)) bind1st( (void*)target, (void*) param)
#define MKBIND(type, varname, target, param) \
type __stdcall *(* varname)(...) = BIND(type, target, param)
int __stdcall doubleit(int x) {
return x*2;
int __stdcall add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
int __stdcall add3(int x, int y, int z) {
return x + y + z;
void test_bind() {
heapfn myfnc = bind1st((void*)doubleit, (void*)2);
printf("Bound: %d\n", (int)myfnc());
heapfn myadd = bind1st((void*)add, (void*)5);
printf("Bound: %d\n", (int)myadd(1));
// Alternatively, using our macros:
MKBIND(int, myx, add, 5);
printf("Bound: %d\n", myx(1));
// Chaining works as expected, although i'm leaking a function here
MKBIND(int, recur, BIND(int, add3, 3), 5);
printf("3+5+7 = %d\n", recur(7));
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;
That's all! Partial function application in C. For C++. For 32-bit Windows.
Built with nasm, ndisasm and MinGW GCC 4.6.2. Please don't ever use this.
Functional programming in C
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